girl at a desk studying

Kate’s top five assessment hacks

Blog and interview by the lovely Kate Ryan, Work300 student.

Let’s face it. Assignments are hard. Period. What doesn’t make it any easier is when they are all due in the same week, especially when one is just as demanding as the next. ‍During my time as a student I have found that assignments can be pretty grueling and honestly, if I don’t plan it properly, they can easily become pretty stressful. So, as I’ve been in this position a few times now (and just quietly I think I’m finally mastering it) I thought I would share the steps I follow with you!

1. Planning is essential.

Now, having a plan is one of the most basic tips but is one of the most effective in dominating your assignments.

Having a study plan will mean that you can keep up to date with (and even on top of)  all your work. It can also help you balance any other commitments that you have; work, study, sport, family, you know, just being a regular human! Your plan could be as simple as setting aside two days a week, even a few hours a week to knuckle down and start those assignments or just read over notes. OR if you really embrace it, it can be super elaborate and detailed like having reminders and planners, journals, and diaries to make sure you’re on track. Whatever your method, having a plan is definitely number one. 

2. Manage your time.

Making sure you have enough time set aside to complete, edit, and submit your work is essential when it comes to smashing out your assessments.  

As students, we all know managing time is key…however, I’ve been there, sometimes we don’t follow through. Time management is all about self-discipline. Keeping yourself accountable and making sure you use your time wisely is essential to getting the most out of your efforts. That could be as simple as putting away distractions and dedicating a solid amount of time to do your assignments.  

BTW. When I say “setting aside time” this doesn’t mean I sacrifice an entire day either – you can (if you want to), but this doesn’t work for me. For example, on Monday I set aside an hour from 9am to 10am for my essay, and then from 10am to 12pm I work on my research project.

For me, this ensures the most bang-for-my-buck time-wise, without making me burn out under pressure. 


3. Do your research.

Ok, so now you have a plan and you’ve organised your time… the next step is to get your facts in order! 

Research is a fundamental to any assignment, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A lot of the time,  lecturers need scholarly, peer reviewed articles or journals to be used as research for your arguments. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find these sources without proper knowledge of where they can be accessed. The UNE library is a great first step in finding reliable, accurate sources. I love to use the data bases when doing my own research, because everything you need to find the perfect article is all in the one place. TheUNE library has thousands of data bases that has lots of articles, journals, news articles etc for your assignments. This, in combination with furtheroptimised study, and the accumulation of academic readings supplied by your lecturer, will aid you in having well thought out research for your assignments. 

4.  Make your study space work for you.

Finding a space that is strictly for studying is a fantastic way to feel motivated and to stay disciplined when trying to finish an assignment.

I know for myself, that my room is a terrible place to get stuff done, because it’s small, and let’s face it, it’s much easier for me to take a nap than it is for me to study. So, the big question is… where do you go when there’s nowhere to go (especially in a pandemic)? Look for a space that is comfortable, clean, and inviting.

A few places you might see me studying

  • The UNE library is nice and quiet
  • The Armidale Library is a great spot if you live in town.  
  • UNE Life HQ student room
  • The benches out the front of the shop, because they’re nice and sunny
  • Cafés (with internet obvs.)

Basically, what you’re looking for is somewhere quiet with no distractions. This will make the biggest difference in how you tackle your assignments. 

Study space essentials

  • a table or a place where you can sit comfortably with your laptop and books
  • good light
  • no distractions – clean and quiet is key
  • all your collateral close by books, pens, etc. This will stop procrastination. 

These are a few study spaces that I love



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Buenas tardes compis. . Ya he dejado el tema de agricultura, ganadería y pesca para ponerme con El Greco. Cuando he visto el tema que tenía hecho he pensado…”¿Lo hice con los ojos cerrados o qué?”. Lo he visto súper incompleto o quizás, como ahora hemos catalogado piezas de este pintor, noto que está un poco cojo. Pero no es la primera vez que al retomar los temas de cante siento que están incompletos y que nunca es suficiente. Así me pasa, que las vueltas al temario son rectificaciones constantes. ¿Algún día estaré satisfecha con mi trabajo?. ¿Os pasa lo mismo? . Y ayer haciendo limpieza me encontré con el catálogo de la exposición de la BNE “Retrato y literatura” que no recordaba tenerlo y me hizo ilusión. Hay quien colecciona cromos y luego estoy yo que colecciono catálogos de exposición. . Voy a seguir con Doménikos Theotokópulos (Sí, el Greco de llamaba así, algo sencillo y fácil de decir con unas cuantas cervezas encima). . . . . . . . . . . #oposiciones #studying #coffe #instastudy #study #studygram #studymotivation #studycommunity #studymotivation #coffeetime #macbookpro #motivacao #studyaccount #opozulo #inspiracion #stationery #opogram #student #studyblog #mydesk #studyblogger #studying #studytime #studyspace #studygrammers #studyinspo #studyspo #turnodetarde #opogram #studyhard #turnodetarde #aesthetic #coffee #quieroqueveasmifoto

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5. Get it on paper.

This last tip is just to WRITE! Your assignment won’t write itself. 

Procrastinationis the biggest killer of both motivation and progress. I always find, if I put away my phone and shut my door, I cut the distractions from around me, which, in turn, means that I don’t waste as much time. Developing a good sense of discipline when it comes to procrastination is going to help, and then your assignments are going to be better every time! 

 So, now you have my tips, I hope they help you tackling a few of your assignments and maybe giving you a little more structure when you’re studying!

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