Lexie Archer - UNE Games Society 2024

Interview with UNE Games Society President, Lexie Archer | Clubs & Societies

University is all about discovering new passions, forging lifelong friendships, and building a network that will propel you forward in your career. But where do you find these opportunities while you’re studying? Look no further than UNE’s vibrant Clubs & Societies!

This month we’re happy to highlight the UNE Games Society! They’re a welcoming community dedicated to bringing UNE students together through the power of games. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a casual enthusiast, they have something for everyone.

 In this interview, we chat with Lexie Archer, the Society President, to find out all about what they do, how to get involved, and why you should definitely check them out!

1. In a nutshell, what’s your society all about?

The Games Society is all about coming together to meet new people, play games and have fun while taking a break from study.

2. What’s your role within the society and what does it involve?

I am the President of the Games Society, so my focus is on planning the future of the club. Making sure we are putting on events that people are interested in, and coming up with ways to grow the club along with the rest of the society.

3. What are some of the most popular events or activities your society organises?

Our 24-hour nights are always one of our more popular events. We host two of them each year, with various prizes and incentives to get people to stay for the full event. Although some of the tournaments we run throughout the trimesters, like Mario Kart and Just Dance also get people pretty excited.

4. How can someone with a strong interest in games or gaming get the most out of being a member?

We always try to have something out for everyone, but the best way for people to get the most out of our games nights is to try out games they might not have played before and get to know the other people attending.

The weekly games nights are a great place to meet people with shared interests who you might not have otherwise interacted with.

We also encourage people to provide us with feedback, as we are always open to hearing how we can improve our events, whether that’s getting some new games, or running specific events or tournaments.

5. For online students who can’t make it to campus events, what are some ways they can still be involved with UNE Games Society?

For those who can’t make it to our in person events, we have a discord and minecraft server, through which we organise a couple of online events throughout the year.

6. Does your club have any online platforms or social media groups, where students can connect with you?

We have Facebook and Instagram pages, along with our discord server. We try to post on them regularly so that everyone knows what events we will be running, and see what events we have done in the past.

7. How has being a member of UNE Games Society added to your student experience?

Being a part of the UNE Games Society has definitely made my time at uni more fun, I’ve met some people who I probably wouldn’t have really talked to otherwise, and made some great memories!

8. Looking ahead, are there any exciting events or initiatives planned by the club that students can look forward to?

We’re looking to do some more online tournaments and events for those who aren’t able to attend our in person events, and we have our first 24 hour night of the year coming up on the 11th-12th of May.

9. Is there anything unique or quirky about your club that you’d like to share?

We are the only games themed society at UNE, and we have a range of games and activities available, from our Minecraft server, VR and range of board, card and console games.

10. For someone who might be hesitant to join a club or society, what would you say to convince them to give yours a try?

Going to Clubs & Societies events can be a bit intimidating the first couple of times, especially if you don’t know people there. We do our best to make sure that everyone who is coming to our events has a fun time. We also have an open door policy, so people pop in and out as they want.

Find your fit with Clubs & Societies!

Become a member of the UNE Games Society by heading to their UniOne profile and selecting ‘Join or Renew’.
