This is more than one single achievement. This graduation represents the summation of so many of your accomplishments – each and every assessment, every minute of study (even when you didn’t feel like it), every moment with family or friends put aside – this is an incredibly significant occasion and I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on what you have done.
Congratulations, and welcome to the global network of UNE Alumni.
Ben Bible
UNE Life General Manager, Communications & Student Experience
Congratulations to all of the graduates from the teams in Sydney, Tamworth & Taree! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
UNE Sydney, Taree & Tamworth

Finishing your degree is so exciting and such a time of satisfaction and contentment. Take it all in and enjoy your achievement. I hope the next phase of your journey is filled with the same wonder that University provided.
James Hudson
Student Experience Manager UNE Life
Perseverance during difficult times often has rewards for those who can!
David Michael
Bachelor of Economics, Industry (First Class Honours) (UNE); MBA (UNSW)
Congratulations Graduands of 2021. You have either just completed your entree to an adventure of life long learning and/or are adding to an already accomplished academic, professional and personal achievements. UNE is a beacon for academic excellence, quality teaching, and learning and encourages excellence in its students with highly relevant, flexible, and inclusive courses. I hope your educational experience at UNE has been both rewarding and challenging. Where friendships made are life long. Good luck Graduands.
Judith Pousini
Bachelor Science Geology (Honours), 1997
As someone who graduated as a very mature student after studying a subject which I loved, graduation on site was a really special occasion. Whilst I sympathise with you being unable to be together in person, I hope that you are able to feel proud of what you have achieved and are able to mark the occasion remotely with other students and staff and in-person with close family.
Diana Ferguson
M.A. French, 2013
Dear Graduands, you are receiving your degrees at a difficult time. But get vaccinated and the World will soon be your oyster. Congratulations
Dr Rob Dumsday
PhD, 1971

Like you, I missed my graduation, but for a different reason. I am so sorry you will not be able to celebrate right now. I envy you the chance to attend a later ceremony but don’t envy you the incredible journey it has taken you to get there. For now, just enjoy the wonderful sense of achievement. All that hard work has paid off and a whole new world of adventure awaits you. Best wishes.
Nancy (Johnston) Gibb
M.Rur.Sc. 1967
Congratulations on coming this far. Enjoy the moment then forge ahead with a lifetime of learning, formal and informal, face to face, over the internet, and even reading hardcopy books. More strength to you all.
Anthony Sheehan
BA, 1991
What an extraordinary time to be heading from UNE out into the world. I’m sorry that COVID has impacted your studies and on campus experiences and I admire you for being able to complete your studies in the recent climate.
Be bolstered by the fact that UNE has given you a wonderful grounding in your chosen study area and prepared you well for life beyond university. Best wishes for a long and successful career.
Susan Courtney
Bachelor of Natural Resources, 1995
Congratulations…never forget where you gained your knowledge. Go forth and use that knowledge to enhance the quality of your life.
Robert Wiiliam Joseph
Bachelor Financial Administration, 1989
Congratulation on your graduation. One can only hope that sometime in the future you will be able to celebrate your graduation in person at this wonderful University, It will be a day you will always remember.
John Ure
Bachelor of Social Science, 2007
Congratulations, for such perseverance and hope in the future; and gratitude to those who supported and encouraged you. A forgiving thanks to those whose disapproval or obstruction simply aroused your belief in yourself and your determination to make your way to being of use to us all in particular ways both here and overseas. Courage, intelligence, love remains yours.
Jolanda Mywee Allen
BA, 1959
Congratulations to you, Graduands! UNE is a highly respected Institution. Be always proud of yourself whereever you will be serving the World. And, good luck!
Samuel A. Sinayigaye
MBA, 2005
Congratulations, to all the graduands. All the best in your future endeavours.
Vikal Prakash
Master of Ariculture, 2015

Congratulations on graduating in such unusual and challenging times. My UNE study years were among the most rewarding of my life and I hope you found the same.
Danny Neumann
A & M.Litt (Psych) 1992 & 1995
Congratulations on your well-deserved success!
Master of Commerce, Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting 2009
Congratulations on this significant achievement. You now know what you don’t know and have demonstrated an ability to find out more, to dig deeper to change the world that you have inherited. Continue your thirst for knowledge, continue to be proud of your achievements, and leave the world a little better.
Andrew Curthoys
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning, 1988
Congratulations to you all on graduating from this wonderfully unique university. You’ve done the hard yards, now it’s time to fly on your own (if you can put up with another cliché!).
I was at UNE from 1983-1987, which seems so long ago, but to me is like yesterday (I’m still that 2à something version of myself, a few years down the track!). What a fabulous place to receive an education in your chosen field and in life itself! Fond memories of study, tutorials, exams, the UNE Bistro, campus sport and leisure, and shifts on Radio UNE (which has become Tune!FM 106.9 hear!) – as well as visits to some of the local drinking establishments!
Be proud of yourselves graduands, but never pretentious – do your best in life and try to be the best version our yourself possible. In short, live up to your own potential, and recognise that your time at UNE has helped to reach it! Cheers to one and all.
Anthony Wesley
B.A. (English-Theatre studies), 1986
I wish all the best to new graduates and hope the best for their future endeavours.
Rajinder Singh
Graduate Diploma in Education, 2007
Congratulations on your great achievement! You’ve got there despite it all! Life can throw some curveballs, so hold on to your dreams. All the best, you’ll work it out!
Barton Loechel
Bachelor of Rural Science (Hons), 1988
Congratulations! You can be so proud of your achievement, which is not just a testament to your academic excellence, but more importantly to your resilience. You might not quite feel like that now and I am sure it is very difficult to determine a clear direction of what is next, but your ability to adapt is a huge credit to you and something you can add to your life skills. Now it is time to celebrate – celebrate the friendships that you made, the inspiring people you met on the way, and the wonderful opportunities that are in front of you.
Sonja Dominik
Ph.D. 2001

Congratulations to you all. While you will remember your special day for years to come, you will always miss and cherish your years of study and social interaction while studying at UNE. While I started my first degree there in 2003, I still reminisce the great times I had, even though I was busy tapping away getting assignments done and away on time. I can promise you, your life will be very different from this day – because of what you have learned both inside and outside the classroom. I could never imagine becoming a literacy studies teacher in a foreign university before I began my studies at UNE. All the very best!
Ronald Simmons
MA – Studies in Religion, 2015
It’s tough to not be able to celebrate in person with friends, family, colleagues, teachers, and mentors after an achievement like yours! I hugely admire the grit you must have needed to continue and complete your studies while going in and out of lockdowns, career disruption, homeschooling, and all the other ups and downs that happen in normal life, let alone during a pandemic. A huge congratulations from me, and – when it can take place – I can’t wait to be there to enjoy and capture the pride and excitement of your ceremony sometime in the near future.
Carolyn Millet, B Arts, Grad Dip Ed
UNE Social Media Manager, Corporate Communications and Events
Congratulations to all the Autumn 2021 Graduands! You have all done such an amazing job in such trying circumstances and we are very proud of your achievements. We wish you all the best for your future endeavours, whatever they may be and most of all, stay in touch.
Lisa Rice
Manager, Alumni Relations and Student Scholarships
Congratulations, to those of you who have done the impossible and achieved your goals during a time of lockdown, isolation, and ever-shifting circumstances. Completing your studies through such a turbulent time shows your resilience and determination in the face of challenge.
Jacob Johnston, Bachelor of Media and Communications
Faculty Communications Officer at UNE
We, three Patrons of the UNE Bhutan Students’ Association (BSA) send our hearty congratulations to the following UNE graduands: Kishore Mongo, PhD early in 2021, Yashi Tenzin and Nima Dorji, both completing the Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning in mid 2021.
UNE BSA Patrons:: Brenda Wolodko, Judy Miller, and Warren Halloway
The Bhutanese Student Association would like to offer our hearty congratulations to all graduating students. The association would also wish to offer our Trashi Delek to three Bhutanese students (Dr. Kishore Monggar, Tashi Tenzin, Nima Dorji) on this special occasion.
Dolay Tshering
Remember that the path in life is not straight, pass on your knowledge to others, and be kind in everything you do.
Jane Lally
Master of Education, 2010

We are so impressed with the perseverance you have shown throughout your degree, especially in such tricky times! We’ve missed seeing all of your delightful faces on campus, throughout the trimester and during intensives, and are busting to see things back to business as usual – especially, at Graduation times.
Graduation is often the first time that many of you visit the Armidale campus, we hope to see you in future after in-person ceremonies are announced again – and we’re excited to have you here once it’s safe for the entire community.
Know that your hard work has been worth it – well done from everyone here at UNE Life. You make us incredibly proud.
UNE Life Team
As the Head of the UNE Law School, I am so proud of all law students graduating in 2021 – after such a tough couple of years due to COVID-19. Well done for your resilience and determination.
Prof. Michael Adams
Head of the UNE Law School

Congratulations, to each and every graduand! I can imagine that it’s very hard to have to postpone your graduation ceremony, but you’ve worked so hard for this, so make sure that you celebrate in whatever way you can, for now. We shall all raise a glass to your achievements!
Christiane MJ Hennequin
BA (Comm. & Thea.) at UNE (distance student and New England Award recipient). Postgrad studies (elsewhere): GradCertAVArch, MInfoStud(Rec&ArchMgt).
After 7 years of studying part-time while working full time and raising 3 kids on my own, graduating was something I was looking forward to. Seems like a bit of an anti-climax now, but I am looking forward to being able to finally attend the campus for the first time when graduations are allowed. Congratulations to all students for your hard work and determination!
Katrina West
Bachelor of Education (Primary), 2021
Congratulations to all graduands for your hard work, and the sacrifices you have made in order to achieve such amazing outcomes. Truly well done, and all the best in your future endeavours!
Lloyd Weeks
Warmest congratulations on your recent graduation, especially overcoming the challenges of disrupted study and remote learning. I hope you feel a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment! Maintain your close contacts with UNE. They become great reference points, mates, and professional colleagues as the decades roll.
Peter Ireland
BA; M. ED.

Congratulations graduates! Wishing you a safe and happy celebration of this achievement, and many years of success, and fond memories of your time at UNE.
Melanie Smith
Arts/Law, 2015
ConGRADulations! This is a momentous occasion and a significant milestone in your career.
As a 2020 graduate, I empathise with the feeling of studying amidst one of the most challenging, overwhelming, and unprecedented years. I also can relate to the disappointment of not being able to celebrate your graduation with your peers, faculty, family, and friends in person. Whilst you deserve that moment, remember to take stock of what you have just achieved and mark the celebrations in your own way and on your own terms. Treat yourself to something special – a gift, an experience, a little luxury. Take some photos with your loved ones who have supported you throughout your studies. Whilst you may be missing out on the deserved celebration, the underlying accomplishment is one worthy of attention. All the best as you embark on the next chapter. Take care of yourselves and each other, and stay safe and well.
Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry), 2020
Congratulations to you all!! Best wishes for your future and we hope to see you here again at UNE soon!
Erica Smith
Best wishes to all graduates. Just stay positive and grounded at all times.
Luna Compuesto
Masters of Commerce in Professional Accounting, 2016
As a UNE academic staff member who engaged with many of you as you started your journey in Orientation and through your early studies, your achievements in reaching this landmark of graduation is to be celebrated! A big congratulations to all our Graduands.
Nola Holmes
UNE First Year & Academic Advisor-Business & Law

Congratulations to all 2021 Ph.D. graduates at UNE, especially those in agriculturally- or environmentally-related topics. You have been put to the test and succeeded. Best wishes for your future in science.
Edwin – Ted Wolfe
Ph.D. 1972
Congratulations on your achievements in a world that is changing every day. You may feel disappointed that you cannot ‘party’ and celebrate your achievements as a cohort. But, that is no different to those of us who have preceded you and undertook studies via distance learning. Be proud of what you have achieved and buckle up for the real learning… where you get to test, apply and challenge all that you have learned.
“To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.” – Nicolaus Copernicus
“Instead of buying your children all the things you never had, you should teach them all the things you were never taught. Material wears out but Knowledge stays.” – Bruce Lee
Ian Crosbie
Grad Cert Professional Accounting, 2011
Congratu;ations and many best wishes for a most successful future in your chosen subject! May the guiding light from the University of New England shine on you always. God Bess and Take care, warmest regards.
Linda Shoostovian
Bachelor of Music (Honours), 2018
Well done! Your degree should mean you are a rational person, able to make decisions with an understanding of the issues and objectively on the basis of evidence. I regret that my generation and the next have left you so many problems – the future of the world rests on your shoulders – global warming, pandemic, polarised wealth – Alas! We have failed and we bequeath the burden to you. Best wishes!
Peter Franklin
aster of Educational Administration, 1978
In support of all the graduands, I wish you my heartfelt congratulations for your hard work to overcomes all odds. Be blessed in all your future endeavors.
Stephen Ithanzu
Master of Science in Agriculture, 2015
On behalf of the whole team here at SportUNE, a huge congratulations to everyone on your graduation! While your ‘grad’ ceremony may look a little different in 2021, this is a great achievement, and one well worth celebrating in your own way.
All the very best for your next steps towards a happy, healthy, and prosperous future.
Matt Pine
High-Performance Manager, SportUNE
Well done and congratulations on graduating despite difficult circumstances. All the best!
Adrian Brereton
BSc, 2014
Graduates, congratulate yourselves for completing your degrees in these very challenging times! Extraordinarily well done.
Shirley Clifton
UNE Oorala Aboriginal Centre Tutor & Academic at The Wollotuka Institute
Congratulations, cohort of 2021!! You are all pretty amazing to complete your final assessments and exams whilst balancing the wild times we live in. Best wishes for the future!
Sara Perry, Bachelor of Media and Communications
UNE Student & UNE Life Marketing Assistant
Congratulations this is the moment after years of hard work. You are entering a new chapter of life!
Well done.
Alfted Yeoh
Master of Commerce, 2017
If you’ve been studying something that is both enjoyable and academically satisfying, you’ll probably miss studying with UNE after you graduate. But don’t worry – you can always come back and do another degree at any time! I’m currently on my third with UNE (a BMus) at the age of 69. Graduating from UNE does not have to mean farewell! Congratulations, you have much to look forward to.
Nigel Poole
BA, 1999 GradDipCompSc,2008 BMus (in progress)
Dear Graduants you have worked very hard in your studies. UNE is an excellent university which provided a good foundation to my future career. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Best wishes
Marie-Rose Paterson Assoc MAPS
Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences, 2006
Congratulations to all the Graduands! I know that we live in strange times and a physical graduation ceremony may not be possible, but continue to study with more degrees and a future ceremony is certain! I know that when I graduated in December, 2019, with my Science degree, it was one of the happiest days in my life. That day in December was hot, the University grounds brimming with youngsters and their families. It was just magic! You all will, indeed, experience this magic of achievement. Good luck to all the Graduates.
Nick Galathris
Bachelor of Science, 2019
Good work on getting through your degree during COVID! Strange times, so congratulations on getting there – you should be so proud of yourself. Not having a physical ceremony isn’t the end of the world – it just provides you with the opportunity to get creative with how you celebrate! I also didn’t get my uni graduation, but it meant my cohort made the effort to stay connected and celebrate in our own way.
Rachel Roan
UNE Social Media Officer, Corporate Communications Department
Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.’ — Dr. Seuss
Julia Perryman
UNE Employability & Careers
A big congratulations to you all for your wonderful performance and attaining your Degrees! Especially in these hard, uncertain times. You are indeed all to be commended for your diligence and motivation to keep going even in times, I am sure, of doubt and apprehension. Keep up the good work. Go forward into the world with your new qualifications and make this world the better place we need our planet to be. Whatever your vocation walk with pride into the world and make your mark. Dare to walk where others have not before and most of all… Dare to Dream! Great work!
Jenetta Haim
Master of Letters, 2000
Sending the warmest congratulations to you, on your graduation day. You should be incredibly proud of your achievements and I hope you celebrate your hard work, with your loved ones today. We (UNE Life) can’t wait to celebrate with you on campus as soon as the catch-up celebrations are announced.
Alahna Fiveash
UNE Life, Brand Strategy & Marketing
Congratulations, to each Graduand! What an amazing achievement to get this far! May doors of opportunity open up as you continue to pursue your passion.
Kim Cannan
Bachelor of Psychological Science, 2019

Congratulations, guys on a great achievement. Your perseverance and learning will change your life.
Roger Britt
BA, 1977
So you finally made it through the mill! I know just how it feels & I couldn’t be happier for you. Congratulations! This is only the start of many great things that will happen in your life.
Make sure you continue to develop, challenge yourself & do something that will make your life better. Put yourself out there and take on big opportunities that will present themselves to you. Ensure you enjoy the journey as it goes, and make time for friends and family.
I expect great things coming from UNE graduates so be ready to take on the world! Congratulations.
Rami Bahnas
Manager, Residential Life – Austin & Earle Page College
The river flows a winding course to the sea. We must be equally flexible if we hope to reach our goals.
To wring victory from defeat and make stepping stones of our stumbling blocks, that is the secret of success. Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it now. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. Obstacles are the source of your progress. Never give up.
He who conquers others is strong. he who conquers himself is mighty. Lao Tse.
Julie White
Masters of Teaching, 2021
Congrats on Graduating during such a strange time. It must have taken determination to keep your motivation going and get to the end of your degree. Well done and best wishes for the future.
Hugh Worrall
Grad Dip Counselling, 2017
Welcome to the club!
Darryl McGarry
BEc, 1989
Congratulation, I’m sure you will find that life has just started and your UNE will lead you all around the world if you want it to. Enjoy your life as you have a very bright future ahead of you.
Theresa Fletcher
BA, 1999
Congratulation on your graduation 2021 students and welcome to the UNE Alumni!!
Phillip Rose
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning, 2019

Congratulations to each of you on this particular milestone in your life. I wish you well with your next ventures, and hope you will have a satisfying & stimulating life. I have such a vivid memory of graduation ceremonies on the Booloomimbah lawns with that graceful building forming the back-drop. I expect online is not quite as moving even though it is just as significant.
Susan Ping Kee
BA, Dip Ed, 1972
Sending the 2021 graduands a massive congratulations – you’ve done such a brilliant job in a really tricky time! We hope you have something delightful planned to celebrate this incredible achievement!
We would love to see you back on campus for the catch up Ceremony when it is announced and safe to do so – we will be here with many delicious treats to enjoy with you!
Well done again!
UNE Life Functions & Catering
Congratulations to you all, and remember this is the beginning of your future. I hope it will be active and fulfilling. Never stop questioning and never stop learning. And never stop teaching. Best wishes.
Dinah Hales
Graduate Diploma in Local and Applied History, 2003
Those of us who graduated from UNE in the 50s still say it was the best years of our lives and some of us are still in touch. I hope you enjoyed your time at UNE and that your post-graduation future goes well.
Jan Aitkin
BA Dip Ed., 1957
Congratulations, enjoy this success that you have worked hard to achieve. Now you can make an impact on our society.
Shoaib Raza
Ph.D. 2023
Congratulations and well done for all the hard work.
Enjoy the future that will open up to you because of your hard work and efforts.
Masters of Business Administration, 2011
Well done! This is where life becomes interesting.
BN, MN, 2006
It is a privilege to share your joy and that of your family and friends on this exciting occasion in your life’s journey. I remember with pride my years at UNE which culminated in my first academic degree, almost 50 years ago. Being an “external student”, I missed the usual camaraderie of living on campus, but I am sure many of you have also experienced similar loss during the COVID pandemic and now losing the opportunity for physical presence at your graduation. I shall never forget the excellent learning experiences I had at UNE! Best wishes for your future career.
Trevor Parmenter
BA, 1972

Congratulations and well done on achieving your degree. No matter what the world sends your way, you have shown you can overcome adversity in order to succeed. Again well done.
Kerryanne Graham
Master of Arts – English Literature, 2019
Congratulations! It hasn’t been easy, these last 18 – 24 months of your degree (as if studying uni isn’t difficult enough!) – but you got there. You have every reason to be so proud of yourself – well done! All the best with your future endeavours, and SHINE BRIGHT LIKE DIAMONDS.
Laishah Matthews
Master of Education (Special Education), 2013
I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been trying to complete your degrees in the circumstances of this pandemic. Congratulations on your success and very best wishes for the future. I hope you will take with you the same warm feelings for the University of New England that have stayed with me for… I’m almost embarrassed to say… almost 50 years. It seems like yesterday. As you step forward with confidence into the promise of tomorrow, look back with gratitude, and looking ahead, make every day count.
Gordon Doyle
BA (Hons), 1976 and MEd (Hons), 1987
Well done new UNE Graduands, I know just how difficult it was without face-to-face support.
So you can be very proud of your achievement. I wish you success and much happiness.
Jaenne Leckerman
Bachelor Of Asian Studies, 2004
Hello graduates. Congratulations. The perseverance that got you here is what will help you reach many more life pursuits. Make them meaningful, enjoyable, and appreciate those who have helped at every step as well as offering a helpful arm to those in need. You can do anything with discipline, heart, spirit, and mind. Stay true to your soul while reaching for the impossible.
Jeffrey Steven Wheetley
Master of Arts Applied Linguistics, 2008
Congratulations to you all! You deserve every accolade to finish your degree in the trying conditions of the last 18 months…. well done and best of luck for the future!
Rebecca Ramani
Bachelor of Laws, 2021
Well done- all your hard work has paid off! Congratulations
Bachelor of Laws, 2022
Congratulations! What an achievement, you should be so proud of yourselves. Even through all the normal uni challenges and additional challenges of covid, you have done it! Well done! Now go forth and be amazing.
Amanda McInally
Bachelor of Criminology, 2019
In spite of so many setbacks, challenges, and changes, you did it. You’ve reached your goal and we couldn’t be prouder of you. It’s no small feat doing what you have done, and all those late nights, tears, moments of chaos, and uncertainty all led you to this point. Enjoy it, celebrate your success, and all the very best for what lies ahead.
Alex Cook
Student Engagement Coordinator for UNE International Services

When we graduate it’s in recognition of our tenacity in our study and research. It’s something we’ve loved doing as it’s captivated and held both our interest and time. Importantly, acknowledge and celebrate your success, treat yourself to something special. You’ll cherish your UNE experience all your life.
Geoff Quinn
Masters in Rural Science, 2001

Heartfelt Congratulations on your Graduation! You have all shown remarkable resilience and strength! Trust your heart and vision, Trust your dream – Keep the Light in your eyes. Blessings.
Rhonda Nugent
Bachelor of Financial Administration, 1984
Congratulations on a fantastic achievement in challenging times. With all best wishes for future endeavours.
Steven Warburton
So proud of you all. You made it. Congratulations. A special congrats to all Law students who completed the Diploma in Legal Studies; Advanced Diploma in Paralegal Studies; Bachelor of Laws; and, Bachelor of Laws with Honour.
Lisa Ward
Law Lecturer and Producer of Law in the Bush, a UNE law podcast series.