poke bowl, UNE Life, Functions & Catering

Poke’ Bowls

Blog and recipe from the lovely Katrina Stones, Chef extraordinaire from UNE Life, Functions & Catering

Poke’ Bowls are all the craze at the moment not only because they look great, but because they give us the chance to be really creative and build a healthy balanced meal, using all of your favorite flavours, and maybe even a few new ones! Think of them as a cold layered salad so great for meal prepping ahead and for taking to work or on the run.

First things first, it sounds like “Poh-keh”—not poki, not poke.

Did you know…

  • Poke’ is diced raw fish served either as an appetizer or as a main course and is one of the main dishes of Native Hawaiian cuisine.
  • Essentially, poke’ is the Hawaiian take on the Japanese dish known as sashimi, but instead of cutting the fish into thin slices, they dice it into small cubes (then served with other delicious elements)

Makes enough for 2


  • 2 cups of cooked brown rice
  • 200gms diced fresh fish – Tuna or Prawn or whatever you like best!
  • 50ml soy sauce
  • Diced avocado
  • Diced mango
  • Diced cooked sweet potato
  • Shredded vegetables  – we love cabbage, kale, capsicum, cucumber, carrot, but again, you can add your faves
  • Fresh chili – if you like it!
  • Sesame seeds
  • 20ml sesame oil to dress

poke bowl, UNE Life, Functions & Catering


  1. Pre-cook your rice (or you can get the steam cups from the shops)
  2. Start by cutting all your ingredients separately and cooking anything you need too, if you’re a mum like me or just love being prepared, you can do this a day in advance so they are in the fridge ready for when you need it! #hanger
  3. Mix together the soy sauce, sesame oil, and seeds to make a small dressing. If your making this for a work lunch just have it in a separate container until your ready to eat it or everything will get soggy, and no one likes a soggy lunch!
  4. When your ready you just need to let your creative flair run wild and start layering I always start with the rice on the bottom and then build from there, you can add as little or as much as you would like but be aware that this is a very filling dish.
  5. Once you have layered all your chopped ingredients just give it a little dress with your dressing and a few pieces of chopped chili and away you go. If you don’t like chili you can leave this off.

I always find looking at food gets me inspired, so check out these beauties! 🥰



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Un joli poké bowl tout en couleurs et vegan 🌿 Davantage une idée qu’une recette 😊 ! Ce n’est pas bien compliqué, il suffit de prendre un grand bol et de le remplir au tiers de riz cuit mélangé avec 3 cuillers à soupe de vinaigre de riz sans gluten (que l’on a fait au préalable chauffer avec du sel et 1 cuiller à café de sucre de coco). Pour le riz : basmati, japonais, riz noir… comme vous le sentez ! Par dessus, disposer les légumes et fruits coupés de la taille d’une bouchée, et effeuiller les herbes fraîches qui vous plaisent. Ici, il y a des radis, de la mangue, du chou rouge, des pousses de haricots mungo, du concombre, de la coriandre fraîche et de la menthe. On peut ajouter du tofu à la japonaise (je prends celui de la marque Taifun). Pour le reconnaître : c’est un tofu cuit dans un bouillon et qui est comme recouvert d’une “croûte” dont l’aspect rappelle celui d’une omelette. On le coupe en lamelles ou en dés puis on le fait mariner dans du tamari avec du gingembre et de l’ail ainsi qu’un peu de sucre de coco. On le fait alors saisir rapidement (sans la marinade) à la poêle sur feu vif et c’est prêt ! Pour la sauce, mélanger le jus de 2 fruits de la passion, le jus d’un citron vert, de l’huile neutre, du sel et du poivre (facultatif : du piment). Verser la sauce sur le tout puis…déguster ! #pokebowl #vegan #pokebowls #recettevegan #fresh #pokebowlvegan #fraicheuretsaveur #fraisetbon #bolvegan #veganbowls #veganbowl #veggie #noglu #glutenfree #sansgluten #healthyfood #cuisinesante

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PS: We want to see what you put in your poke’ bowl tag us @lifefunctionscatering and we will share them in our stories!
