Club Article

Clubs & Societies: the lead up to the 2023 Student Awards Night

With a great range of Clubs & Societies to choose from, UNE students have vibrant social, academic, cultural, and sporting lives both on and off campus.

To celebrate this essential aspect of university life, every September we host the Student Awards Night and reflect on the amazing things our students have accomplished with Clubs & Societies throughout the year. This year’s event will be hosted by UNE Life Events & Catering on Graduates Walk, overlooking the iconic Booloominbah.

With a whopping 157 nominations, this year the Student Awards are set to be better than ever.

The theme is based on last year’s winners of the prestigious Club of The Year award, The UNE Games Society, so attendees can expect plenty of fun and games on the evening.

Those 157 nominations represent a multitude of excellent events and initiatives, all made possible through the dedicated efforts of students. 2023 has been a truly fantastic year for Clubs & Societies at UNE, seeing the return of well-established (and hugely successful) events like the Farming Futures Industry Dinner, The UNE Outdoor Adventure Club’s National Park Trips and the New England Rural Club for Health Alliance rural high school visits (among many, many more!)

2023 has also seen the introduction of lots of exciting new initiatives, including The UNE Law Students’ Society’s online workshops, UNE Scuba’s collaboration with the UNE Zoology Society for the sea slug census (successfully identifying 135 species, 32 of which were identified for the first time) and the UNE Indonesian Community’s Indonesian Festival, which brought people together to enjoy Indonesian food, culture and film.

In addition to all these incredible events and initiatives, this year has seen an increase in not only the quality of marketing and merchandise but also online engagement. With so many UNE students attending university online, our clubs have adapted to suit this online base. It’s never been easier to join a club!

This level of quality, in terms of collaboration, community engagement, student engagement and sponsorship, has made shortlisting and selecting winners all the more difficult. Competition is tight, so to all our Clubs & Societies executives, make sure you RSVP by the 8th of September so you don’t miss out on being in the room when we announce 2023’s winners!

Find Your Fit with Clubs & Societies

Getting involved with Clubs & Societies is as easy as making a UniOne account. You can browse current clubs, learn what they get up to, and follow them on social media to stay up to date with their events and activities. If none of our current clubs take your fancy, you can always create a new club through our ‘New Clubs’ process.



