Morgan Robins UNE

International Women’s Day Feature | Morgan Robins

Our third and final (for now) highlight of inspirational females at UNE, fourth-year Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Law student Morgan Robins, speaks with us about what drives her to complete her degree. This soon to be lawyer, is passionate about empowering women during their most difficult moments and that it is okay to not completely have a study routine that works every time.

We just had to share her views with you!

What are you studying at UNE?

I am currently in my fourth year of a Bachelor of Criminology/ Bachelor of Laws.

Tell us a little about how you manage your time…

Despite being in my fourth year of study I still feel like I am constantly changing up the way I study and juggle the other commitments in my life as an attempt to find the best possible way to manage everything. No two trimesters are ever the same!

It is safe to say I am usually pretty busy as I study full time, work full time and I am also the President of the UNE Law Students’ Society. While I do put a lot of effort into heavily planning my study/work schedule I think what helps me to juggle so much is the fact that I have an incredibly supportive workplace, friends, and family.

In addition, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed or lose motivation, I remind myself that I am doing this degree so I can become a lawyer to help people, and that really helps to keep me pushing forward. The only way I can achieve my dream to help people as a lawyer is by persevering and finishing my degree.

Tell us a little about your experience at UNE so far

I moved to Armidale from Nambucca Heads in 2017 to study at UNE and I moved straight into a house in town. The experience of having only been 18 years old for a month when I moved out was very different, and I felt like living in town, opposed to a college made me feel like I had to grow up quite quickly.

I really enjoy living in town as it helps me to both mentally and physically distance myself from University. I try to avoid studying at home as I believe it is really important to have a space where I can relax and enjoy other aspects of my life that don’t revolve around uni.

What is one thing you want to change as a female aspiring to work in the field of law?

I want to advocate for victims of sexual assault and to change the attitudes and judgments that come with victims coming forward with their stories by giving them a platform and voice to achieve justice.

What do you enjoy most about being a female?

The relationships I have as a woman vary so much and it is empowering to be surrounded by women who are passionate about the same social justice issues I am and actively take steps to attempt to make a change.

Being a woman makes me feel powerful, we have the ability to create life and foster a wide range of complex relationships. I really enjoy seeing the changes happening in society that are giving women more opportunities and a platform to demonstrate that they are capable of. I believe the quote by Dilma Rousseff “I hope the fathers and mothers of little girls will look at them and say ‘yes, women can’” really encompass our societal change.

Wow. We’re feeling pretty proud right now. Thank you Morgan, Wawat and  Valarie for sharing some of your stories with us. You are an incredible trio and we can’t wait to see and hear your future stories! Happy #InternationalWomensDay
