Know your S to Z on preventing violence against women
According to Personal Safety Survey, Australia, Women are more than twice as likely as men to have experienced fear or anxiety due to violence from a former partner.
Many of the statistics surrounding violence against women can be very overwhelming, but there are actions and ways of thinking you can alter in your everyday life that can help contribute to a safer world for all. See below our finale in the A to Z on preventing violence against women and challenging gender stereotypes.
This is the third of our mini-series exploring and educating people about the simple and everyday measures we can all make, to building a safe space for everyone in our community. See A – I here and J – R here. Thanks to Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria and Our Watch for the informative resource!
Show children examples of women and men doing non-stereotypical jobs
Talk about equal pay at work
Understand that there are many myths about what causes violence
Value women’s voices and opinions: ask them what they think
Walk away from mates who don’t respect women
eXamine how women are portrayed in popular culture – don’t buy into it
You have a role in ending violence – speak up and act whenever you can
Zip-it Don’t make that sexist joke or demeaning comment
As you’ve learned, its pretty simple – it starts with empathy, consent, and respect. Its up to all of us to be better and educate one another, to stand up for those who need support and learn where we don’t know.
If you ever find yourself in a situation that seems too much or you’re not quite sure who to talk to, our team can point you in the right direction. You’re never alone at UNE.
Our team at Advocacy and Welfare offers confidential support to students! Contact us here.
Student Success also has confidential counselling for students, you can find them here.
Lifeline is also a 24/7 hotline and you can call them on 13 11 14
Download your own copy of the A-Z here.