group of students standing in front of the ocean laughing

Appropriate behaviours: do’s and don’ts of behavioural conduct

We want you to have an enjoyable and memorable time at UNE. Which involves being treated fairly and with respect when interacting with other students and staff.

UNE is committed to providing a respectful, safe, and secure learning, living, and working environment. So how can we as individuals make sure that we are contributing to the culture at UNE?

The UNE Student Conduct and Behaviour Rules, states that it is “your responsibility as a student to be aware of your conduct and behaviour, and of the University rules which apply to you.”

It’s important that as a student you become familiar with the student conduct and behaviour rules to know what your rights are, and how to avoid potential accusations of misconduct.

At UNE we there are policies that students are expected to follow when interacting with other students and staff. These include the Student Behavioural Misconduct Rules and the Residential College Code of Conduct for students at residential colleges.

Below are the do’s and don’ts when it comes to appropriate behaviour as a student and graduate of UNE.

The Do’s

The Student Behavioural Misconduct Rules states that UNE Representatives and Students have the right to:

  • Be treated fairly and be free from acts or threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, or discrimination.
  • Have their personal property protected
  • Live, work, and study in a safe environment, and
  • Have complaints considered fairly and acted upon promptly.

The Don’ts

The following are instances of behavioural misconduct and should be read in conjunction with the UNE Student Behavioural Misconduct Rules.

  • Failure to comply with university rules or policies
  • Conduct involving acts or threats of violence, harassment (including but not limited to sexual assault), intimidation, or discrimination.
  • Providing information known to be false
  • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University document, record, or instrument, or identification.
  • Defamatory conduct prejudicial to the reputation, good order, and governance of the University
  • Abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, deceit, or other conduct in a context substantially connected to the University
  • Any form of criminal activity, or action(s) that may lead to such activity, such as unlawful use, possession, cultivation, or distribution of drugs, or unauthorised possession of firearms.

As mentioned in our blog on inappropriate behaviour in online forums, if you have been involved in any of the instances mentioned above, you may be subject to one or more penalties imposed by the University. Such penalties range from a written apology to a major penalty such as expulsion – which neither of us wants to happen!

If you are unsure of the misconduct guidelines or if you feel as though you have been in a situation that has involved inappropriate online behaviour, please reach out to our team at Advocacy & Welfare. We are here to help!

Together, we can make our study and working environment safe and enjoyable for everyone.

Our team at Advocacy and Welfare offers independent and confidential support to students! Contact us here.
Student Success has confidential counselling for students, you can find them here.
Lifeline is also a 24/7 hotline and you can call them on 13 11 14
