Where to find help during the intensive & exam period
As we enter the trimester exam & intensive period, we know you have been studying hard and are hopefully feeling prepared. As much as we want this time to be smooth sailing, sometimes things can happen out of your control which can impact your exam performance.
So you are prepared for anything that could happen, we have put together some tips on what you can do if things don’t go according to plan before or on the day of your exam. Check it out below 👇
First things first…
The UNE Exams & eAssessment team should be your first point of call if you have any queries regarding your exams. You can contact them at (02) 6773 2145, or reach out to them via the AskUNE portal. 👀 Tip: we recommend keeping this number somewhere you will see it!
Special Consideration
If an illness or unforeseen circumstance impacts your performance before or during your exam, you can apply for Special Consideration. Special consideration can provide you with up to 3% on your exam mark. An important thing to note is applications must be made within 5 working days after your final exam. One of our student advocates can assist you with drafting your personal statement and suggesting what supporting documentation you should include with your application.
Deferring an Exam
If you are unable to attend an exam because of an illness or an unforeseen circumstance, you may be able to apply for a Deferred Exam. Deferred exams are held during the following trimesters’ exam period. You can also apply for a deferred exam if your performance during the exam was severely affected by unforeseen circumstances. However, you can only defer your exam once. So if you run into issues during your second attempt, you will not be able to reapply for another deferred exam.
Similar to special consideration, applications for deferred exams must be in within 5 days after your final exam. One of our student advocates can help you determine if your case may be considered exceptional. Email us at advocacy@une.edu.au or give us a call at (02) 6773 3116 and we can discuss what options are available to you.
Help is never far
Most importantly, you are never alone at UNE. If you do experience feelings of anxiety or stress about the upcoming exams, UNE offers free counseling to all students. You can access that service through the Wellness Centre.
Our best advice is to try to not worry if things fall out of your control during exam time and focus on what you can control. Make sure you are staying hydrated, eating healthy, moving your body, and getting plenty of rest so you can be on top of your game – you got this!
The team at Advocacy and Welfare offers confidential support to students! Contact them here.
Student Success also has confidential counseling for students, you can find them here.
Lifeline is a 24/7 hotline and you can call them on 13 11 14.