5 simple meals to get you through exams
Blog by Katrina Peacock | Student Advocate
Cheating is okay during exam week, but ONLY in the kitchen! You’re investing a lot of mental energy into your studies, so while it’s understandable to want to conserve time wherever you can, it’s also important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
To help you out, we’ve put together five meal suggestions which each have only three main components. All of the ingredients should be easily accessible at most grocery stores.
While these meals are very simple, if you feel like going for bonus points, we’ve included suggestions for adding extra flavour.
What you need:
A packet of pita pockets
A bag of falafels
A tub of tabouli
Bonus points for extra flavour = garlic sauce
For this recipe, you need to go to three supermarket aisles. The bread aisle for pita, the veggie section for a tub of salad, and the health food refrigerated section for a bag of falafels.
Crack open the bag of falafels and pop a couple in some pita bread. Next, toast or microwave (they only need about 15 – 20 seconds) the whole lot. These are actually great heated up in a sandwich press. Once warmed or toasted, add the salad.
If you’re feeling fancy add some garlic sauce. Mayo works too.
Beef Stir Fry
What you need:
A packet of pre-sliced stir fry meat
A bag of chopped stir fry veggies
a bag of Hokkien noodles
Bonus points for extra flavour = crushed garlic, soy sauce
This meal can be lightning fast, colourful, and very satisfying. In a really hot frying pan or wok, add the sliced beef to some cooking oil (and crushed garlic) and stir fry for a minute or two. Throw in the veggies and stir some more. Then, add the noodles (and soy sauce, if you would like). Stir for a few more minutes and voila! Dinner is served.
Green Chicken Curry
What you need:
A box of Marion’s Kitchen green chicken curry
A packet of chopped raw chicken
A sachet of pre-cooked rice
Bonus points for extra flavour = papadums
Marion may have only come second on Masterchef, but her green chicken curry is an absolute winner. The box contains everything you need, except the meat and the rice. You can follow the steps listed on the box. It has quite a kick, so if you don’t like spicy food, leave out half of the curry paste and the dried chillies. Heat the rice according to the directions on the packet. If you’re feeling fancy, serve with crunchy papadums!
Salmon and Veggies
What you need:
A packet of raw Atlantic salmon
A bag of chopped fresh veggies
Pre-chopped sweet potato or similar
Bonus points for extra flavour = a lemon wedge, mayonnaise
My Mum always said, “Fish is brain food”. While I can’t promise this meal will actually make you smarter, I can promise that it’s super yummy. First, either microwave or steam the veggies. The sweet potato will normally take longer than other vegetables. Lastly, in a hot frying pan cook the salmon in some melted butter.
Chicken and Veggie Bake
What you need:
Chicken thighs
A marinade of your choice
A bag of veggies
Bonus points for extra flavour = Italian herb mix
For this delicious meal, you can make your own marinade by mixing up some balsamic vinegar, tomato paste and brown sugar. But if that sounds too hard, you can always just buy a jar of pre-made chicken marinade at the supermarket. Make sure to choose a bag of veggies that roast well. Some good options include onion, zucchini, squash, carrot, sweet potato and potato. Coat the chicken in the marinade, then chuck everything into a roasting tray. If you’re going for bonus flavour you can sprinkle on some dried Italian herbs, before baking it all in the oven at 180 degrees until the chicken is cooked.
All fuelled up and ready to study!
Now you have a few simple meals that require basically no thinking and you’re ready to smash your exams. You’re welcome!
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