Know your A to I on preventing violence against women
More than just an important topic of interest in the media, domestic violence and the fight to end female inequality is something we advocate every day at Advocacy & Welfare. We all have an obligation to better understand how we can stamp out domestic violence.
The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women 1993, defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that causes or could cause physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of harm or coercion, in public or in private.”
We have an incredible incredible resource from Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria and Our Watch that we reference all the time – the A-Z on preventing violence against women.
We’ve decided to split it up into three mini-blogs for you to digest – because like many things that are tough, talking about them, bringing them into everyday life, raising awareness about topics – makes them easier to approach. It also sets a standard of what is apropriate and what is not.
Ask women you know about their experiences of sexism and harassment
Believe reports of violence and sexual assault. Offer support, not suspicion
Change the conversation to talk about who she is not what she looks like
Don’t ask “why doesn’t she leave?” instead, ask “why is he violent?”
Encourage men and boys to talk about their thoughts and emotions
Find ways to support women’s choices. Whatever they are.
Give women and men equal opportunities and assume they have equal abilities
Help young people understand sexual consent and free agreement
Inspire boys and girls to be equally strong thoughtful and compassionate
Keep an eye on our socials for J -Z and know, there are confidential services for any UNE students to access. We are here to support you.
Our team at Advocacy and Welfare offers confidential support to students! Contact us here.
Student Success has confidential counselling for students, you can find them here.
Lifeline is also a 24/7 hotline and you can call them on 13 11 14
Download your own copy of the A-Z here.