A-Z of Clubs & Societies
Clubs & Societies are an awesome way to meet new people, learn new skills and expand horizon…but have you ever wondered what they’re all about?
Ag- Law Society
The Ag/Law Society was established to facilitate the growing ambitions of UNE’s Agriculture and Law students and to bridge two seemingly discrete faculties. At the heart of UNE are the students and staff, each with their own unique goals and aspirations to learn, educate and create. This group not only aims to provide a gateway for students to connect and network with those in the industry but in turn, brings people to UNE’s Elm Ave Boulevard. UNE’s Ag/Law students are the future. 👩🏽⚖️
Animal Welfare & Ethics Society
The Animal Welfare and Ethics Society (AWES) aims to raise awareness of current issues in domestic and international Animal-Human relations. Our goals are to provide a platform for students to voice their concerns or opinions on animal welfare topics; present opportunities to volunteer or fundraise for Animal Welfare Societies, and to take meaningful action on current animal welfare issues. 🦆🦘🐋
As well as awareness campaigns, we hope to hold;
- fortnightly documentary and movie nights
- excursions to animal-related facilities such as companion animal shelters, wildlife rehabilitation centre’s and agricultural operations
- and to host expert speakers on animal welfare and ethical issues.
ASPIRE (Armidale Students Promoting International Rights and Equality)
ASPIRE is UNE’s Australian Medical Student Association (AMSA) Global Health Group. There is an AMSA global health group in every medical school in Australia. All groups are networked through AMSA and are able to create policies and instigate change on a local and national level.
ASPIRE was founded in 2010 by a few dedicated students and has grown substantially in the years since. Each year we present to the local community several opportunities for education and skills that relate to global health.
Our primary goals are to; educate UNE students and the wider community about global health issues and the positive steps that they can take to promote global health equity.
Through our fundraising events in 2015, we raised money for the Barbara May Foundation, as well as for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria, and TB. We hope we can continue to increase our fundraising capacity and reach a more diverse audience.
Archaeology Society
The Archaeology Society, as their name suggests, is all about archaeology. They run a series of regular ‘Diary of an Archaeologist’ talks, where a professional comes in to discuss their experiences in the field.
They run;
- trivia Nights
- themed parties
- occasional excursion.
Bangladeshi Student Association
University of New England, AU has always been a home away from home to Bangladeshi scholars. At present, UNE proudly hosts 43+ Bangladeshi Ph.D., Masters and undergrad students. However, it never had any Bangladeshi student society before the inception of the Bangladeshi Student Association (BSA) in 2019. We’re super excited to see what this club has in store!
Christians United
Christians United is a student-run group at UNE that aims to encourage and train Christians as well as share the gospel with the students of UNE. They do this by organising a number of events where Christians can meet together to build each other up and dig into the word of God.
Regular events such as;
- our weekly bible studies and prayer meetings give students the opportunity to be meeting regularly with other Christians in the same stage of life focusing on God’s word
- events such as sticky questions give students the opportunity to bring their non-Christian friends along to hear the gospel.
Classics Association
UNE Classics Association is a club aimed at promoting a sense of community among people with an interest in all things Classics and Ancient History.
The goal of UNECA is to help affirm the long and esteemed history the department of Classics and Ancient History has maintained at UNE. All students of the Classical Languages, Latin and Ancient Greek, and Ancient History, both on and off-campus, as well as staff and alumni, are strongly encouraged to join. However, membership is open to all who may share an interest in the field of Classics or in the Humanities in general.
D&D Society
For all Dungeons and Dragons players in New England, we now have a group at UNE. Your on Campus Dungeons and Dragons Club at UNE. 🐉
This club is for those who enjoy;
- Critical Role?
- Acquisitions incorporated?
- Dice Camera Action?
- Have you wondered how you’d react to standing face first with a dragon?
- Do you love drama, suspense, or hardcore number crunching?
Enactus UNE
Students in Enactus passionate about social, economic and environmental issues in the community and are using this passion to utilise and develop the skills we are learning at uni through outreach projects.
They are supported by the UNE School of Business. Enactus brings together a diverse network of university students, academic professionals and industry leaders around the shared mission of creating a better, more sustainable world through the positive power of business. By contributing their talents to projects that improve the lives of people worldwide, Enactus participants are demonstrating that individuals with a knowledge and passion for business can be a powerful force for change.
When it comes to planning for a career after university, Enactus students have two things in common – their experiences as an Enactus student have better prepared and qualified them, and their participation at Enactus events provides them with unparalleled access to the country’s most successful executives and entrepreneurs.
EPC Musical Society
This is the official club for the Earle Page College Musical Society. The have regular performances – keep up to date here Shows 30th of June to 1st of August.
European Languages Club
The European Languages Club aims to connect European language learners both on-campus and online. We are a club set up to aid student’s learning European languages through social events and workshops.
Exercise and Sports Science Association (UNE EXSA)
The Club for Sports and Exercise Students. UNE Exercise and Sports Science Association (EXSA) will be used as a platform for promoting unity among internal and external UNE EXSA students.
Farming Futures Committee
Farming Futures is a student-run group at the University of New England.
Farming Futures hold;
- an annual agricultural Careers Fair
- Industry Dinner
- Schools Program
Farming Futures aims to create opportunities for UNE students to network with representatives from a range of sectors within the agricultural industry and to display a snapshot of the career opportunities agriculture offers. This is achieved through our annual Careers Fair and our Industry Dinner. This year we will also welcome back the Schools Program for secondary school students, which aims to promote the study of agricultural-related degrees at UNE.
Friends of Theatre Society
FOTS is about letting everyone take part in a performance. The Friends of Theatre Society (FOTS) is a group of people from Armidale and the University of New England, who want to be a part of performance. Whether it be on stage, backstage, making set or props, or organizing costumes, we’ll have something for you!
The aims and objectives of the society are;
- To provide a base group and gathering of like-minded fellows to the
purpose of celebrating, perpetuating and advertising theatre in
Armidale, and in particular the University of New England (UNE). - To provide a pool of fellows to organise performances, events and informal nights to celebrate theatre.
& To provide a means of support, if necessary, for any theatre productions that successfully apply for assistance;
- To uphold the values of the Friends of Theatre Society as a
not-for-profit society, - To perpetuate the spirit of freedom of access and participation in
Gaming Society
A club for those interested in gaming of all kinds. UNE Gaming Society is open for all students, staff and community members. We run social events competitions and play games. We’re here to have fun and promote interests in games, from handhelds, consoles, to PC and VR, to tabletop. We are an inclusive society; slander and bad-mouthing other members is against our rules.
Please come along to our events at The ‘Stro, which we run each Tuesday
If you have any queries or issues please send us an email at unegamingsociety@gmail.com.
General Practice Students Network UNE
UNE’s arms of the Australian General Practice Students’ Network. Join for updates on upcoming local events, national competitions and GP related news.
Geoscience Society UNE
This club revolves around a passion for rocks, minerals, fossicking and geology!
We have regular BBQs and go on camping, fossicking, bushwalking and geological mapping trips.
Anyone from any degree, with an interest is more than welcome. We will be collaborating with the Zoology and Environmental clubs, involving seminars, trips and other fun activities!
Memberships are $5 for half-yearly and $10 for a full year.
HDR Social Club
This club was created for HDR Student that were feeling isolated. The Club meet regularly for a social catch up over coffee and nibbles. All on-campus and off-campus HDR students are welcome to join.
We aim to provide opportunity for all UNE HDR students to regularly socialise with other UNE research students;
- Informal weekly morning tea catchups.
- Monthly food and drink get-togethers.
- Occasional evening social functions – food and drink provided.
- Any other events directed towards socially supporting student members and the club membership.
Follow them on Facebook here
Indian Society UNE
This club was created to support traditional Indian and cultural events and is open to all UNE Indian students.
Known as a home away from home for all Indian students of UNE.
The club hosts;
- social food days
- cultural dance groups
- run traditional events such as Diwali and Holi.
Indigenous Student Association (ISA)
The UNE Indigenous Students Association is free to join, not for profit organisation, designed to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. ISA aims to build a community of young, strong leaders who are breaking down barriers and most importantly improving themselves and their communities. ISA works closely with the Armidale Aboriginal community and Oorala Aboriginal Centre. The ISA is an Indigenous student-run association that welcomes diversity. The ISA is a dedicated and passionate group of students striving to support other Indigenous students through social, cultural and academic events and processes.
Yearly the ISA has events that are designed to support students while studying. These include;
- VC Morning tea
- Indigenous Games
- A BBQ every Term
- Heads of School Lunch
- Cultural excursions
The ISA is open to any suggestions that students have please feel free to contact us or if you have a question or a suggestion feel free to contact through this link.
Anyone may become an associate member of the ISA however, only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students may become student members. Becoming a member is free and allows you to be apart of our team and events. To sign up to become a member please click here.
The ISA acknowledges that we are on country of the Anaiwan people. ISA respects and acknowledges the importance of the traditions and connection to land, people and beliefs the Aboriginal people have in Australia. The ISA would like to pay respect to the Elders, past and present, and show our understanding of these people, who are the world’s oldest living culture.
Indonesian Community UNE
This club is for Indonesian Community members to actively engage in social and voluntary activities on and off-campus.
Landcare Club
UNE Landcare aims to protect and enhance the biophysical environment of UNE lands and the New England region and to foster an environmentally-conscious UNE student community.
UNE Landcare organises;
- tree planting activities in consultation with UNE to further enhance the bushland campus and provide new habitat for koalas, echidnas and other native birds and animals that make UNE their home.
- maintenance activities including weeding and mulching of existing plantings and natural areas
- UNE Landcare provides networking opportunities between students studying everything from Arts to Zoology and with other environmentally-conscious groups in Armidale, as well as social and educational events.
Law Students Society (UNELSS)
The UNE Law Students’ Society provides opportunities for UNE law students to connect with each other and with academics beyond the classroom setting, and to enjoy their time as law students. The LSS organises academic, cultural, social and sporting activities, in an effort to supplement students’ legal education. The Society enjoys a strong and interactive relationship with the School of Law, enabling us to act as a conduit between the staff, the school, and the student body. The UNE Law Students’ Society also endeavours to provide ways for UNE law students to connect more easily to the wider legal profession.
Key activities we are undertaking this year include;
- the LSS Annual Cocktail Night
- Careers Week
- Law Ball
- Academic Competitions, and student advocacy.
Membership costs just $15, and entitles members to discounted rates to LSS hosted events and LSS merchandise, and access to LSS facilities. Join us in our common room in the Law School, post in our Facebook Group, or email here if you have any enquiries, suggestions, or just feel like a chat!
Magic the Gathering Club UNE
Offers a safe and secure environment in which enthusiasts can play and discuss Magic: The Gathering the TCG. Starting in Trimester 1 of 2020, this society aims to deliver recurring Monday Magic Nights to locals and students in tandem with local gaming stores and other affiliates. New, Casual and Competitive players for all formats are welcome!
Medical Students Association (UNEMSA)
UNEMSA is the official student body representing over 300 students within the Joint Medical Program at the University of New England (UNE).
UNEMSA organises;
- events
- liaises with faculty
- encourages student professional development
- represents its students in the Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA).
Visit UNEMSA’s website here
Mosque Management Association (UMMA)
International Muslim Students Association (IMSA) is the representative body of Muslim Students at UNE. Founded by students and staff of UNE in 1985, IMSA has been serving the community for over three decades with the aim to enhance the study and life experience of its members. During this time, the membership has increased from double digits to hundreds. IMSA members annually elect 5 members to manage the Mosque facility as well as to organize religious and community events. The 5 members form the University Mosque Management Association (UMMA).
Our members include Domestic and International students, on and off-campus as well as staff from diverse cultural backgrounds. Activities and support services aim to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment to both Muslim and Non-Muslim students.
The IMSA provides prayers facilities at the campus mosque to all its members and the Armidale community The mosque is located across the road from the International Precinct and next to the Booloominbah tennis courts.
New England Rural Club for Health Alliance (NERCHA)
The University of New England branch of the National Rural Health Students’ Network (NRHSN) aims to not only support students with a rural background but also foster interest in rural health equity in students from non-rural backgrounds.
We consist primarily of biomedical, pharmacy, psychology, medicine, nursing and social work students who are driven to gain a deeper understanding of the health inequities in rural communities.
The National Rural Health Students Network (NRHSN) has over 9000 members from 29 health clubs around Australia. Together we form a collective voice for nursing, medical and allied health students who are passionate about improving health outcomes for rural and remote Australians.
NERCHA holds many events throughout the year open to all members. Events include speaker nights, rural high school visits, meet and greets, and charity fundraisers.
We also participate in events such as the AgQuip, Desert Harmony Festival held in Tennant Creek, National University Rural Health Conference (NURHC) and Rural Appreciation Weekend (RAW); events which provide students with a unique experience as well as allowing students to meet like-minded students from throughout Australia.
Check out their website here
Pharmacy at UNE (PhUNE)
PhUNE – University of New England Pharmacy Students’ Association was originally formed in 2013 and aims to represent those enrolled in a Bachelor of Pharmacy at UNE.
The objectives of PhUNE are:
- To encourage and foster relationships between students enrolled in B.Pharm or B.Pharm with Honours at UNE
- To promote the profession of pharmacy within the university, the professional community, and the general community
- To be accountable, professional, and inclusive of all UNE pharmacy students
PhUNE is a proud branch of NAPSA (the National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association) and is currently sponsored by PSA (Pharmaceutical Society of Australia).
Some of the benefits of PhUNE Annual Membership:
- access to exclusive member-only discounts on pharmacy reference books (AMH and APF) and placement/practicum shirts & badges
- access to discounted tickets for social events including the Annual UNE Pharmacy Ball (held in August/September each year)
- automatic NAPSA membership and invitations to national pharmacy events such as NAPSA Congress
- latest news and offers for pharmacy students
- Membership runs per the calendar year and is only $20.00
Membership forms and submission details can be found by emailing here. For all general enquiries please email here.
Photography Society UNE
A new society for budding and experienced photographers. Interact with like-minded people who have a passion for photography. You will have the opportunity to gain more skills, with provided courses and activities.
Being a member will provide you with;
- opportunities to go on field trips around the local region and weekend trips
- entry into photography competitions with fellow students
- regular meetings where you’ll learn how to better use your camera
- opportunities to gain experience through volunteer work and potential jobs
Rural Science Undergraduate Society (RSUS)
The society for undergraduates studying agricultural-related science. RSUS hopes to encourage and heighten participation from members as well as provide greater networking and industry opportunities.
SCUBA & Snorkelling Club
UNE SCUBA exists to support both those wanting to become SCUBA divers and those already qualified in the Armidale area by helping to organise courses and trips; by providing SCUBA gear for hire; and being a hub for local Divers to meet.
Student Nursing Society
UNEMSA is the official student body representing over 300 students within the Joint Medical Program at the University of New England (UNE). UNEMSA organises events, liaises with faculty, encourages student professional development, and represents its students in the Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA).
Student Teacher Society
The Student Teacher Society is run by Student Teachers at the University of New England. They aim to enrich, educate and provide a community for like-minded students.
This club regularly updates events and communications on their Facebook page – check it out for more details!
Surgical Society (UNESS)
The University of New England’s Surgical Society (UNESS) aspires to give you opportunities to develop your practical skills (from basic suturing to very advanced specialist techniques), and host events so that you have a greater idea of what a pathway into certain medical careers involves – even if you don’t want to become a surgeon!
Vietnamese Social Club
The Vietnamese Social Club at UNE, Armidale, Australia is the formal and spontaneous organisation of the Vietnamese community, including people living, working, and studying in Armidale, Australia. The Club especially receives the support of students who have been studying at the University of New England, as well as official recognition from the University of New England.
The purpose of the Club is to link students and their partners into a solid Vietnamese organisation in order to help each other in living, working and studying. The formation of the Club plays an important role not only in promoting mutual relationships in the Vietnamese community, but also helping new students and family members study and live in Armidale.
The Club was founded as a bridge between the Vietnamese in Armidale and the University of New England, and also other local social institutions. This will assist our community to contact organizations, encourage study, work and recreation, seek opportunities to promote cultural tourism, make international friends and enhance Vietnam’s image.
The Club is also a bridge to connect people in organising ceremonies and cultural events of the nation, such as the Vietnamese Tet’s event, the National day, the International Women’s Day and the International Children’s Day.
Contact us for more information and to get involved!
Zoological Society
The society for UNE students studying or interested in zoological sciences. The UNE Zoology Society is an open club for anyone to join.
They aim to provide;
- its members with opportunities to socialise with other students through various events
- provide networking opportunities with research and industry professionals
- the society also hopes to provide our off campus cohort with increased opportunities for engagement with fellow students, both during intensive periods and in our major student hotspots off campus.
All descriptions have some from the Clubs and Societies themselves. If you need further information please feel free to reach out to our Clubs & Student Experience Manager James